Our Proccess

- We determine if the business is in our “Buy Box” – the basic monetary and non-monetary requirements we are looking for. For this we will need very basic ball-park information.
- We understand that even the hint of a sale can disturb operations and upset employees and customers. To ensure your protection, we will provide a signed non-disclosure agreement (NDA) so that you can have assurance of privacy and our professional confidentiality.
- We meet all the owners by zoom or in person. In our first meeting, we will not be discussing numbers. We want to understand your situation and how you operate, where your key people fit in and the legacy and values of the business and its situation in the market.
- Upon liking we begin an analysis of your business and will request financial information in order for business valuation. We will work with our lenders, investors and partners to craft a buyout plan and growth plan. Once the basic information is provided this can be done in a week or two. However, there is often a need for additional information and clarification.
- We enter a period of negotiations and discovery leading to a formal offer to buy your business which may or may not culminate in a contract to buy.
- If a contract is signed, we enter into a period for Due Diligence where a third party lawyer and CPA conduct an extensive review of your business numbers, processes and controls in order to ensure we understand what we are buying, that the non-financial situations are as we expect and the financials represent reality. This step will necessitate visits to your business, and we will craft, with your cooperation, a plan to sell the transition to your employees so they are comfortable with it.
- We proceed to closing and transition. From start to finish, depending on the contract and terms and timely availability of data, closing can be anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months or more with larger or more complex deals.